lots of stuff
[assignments.git] / homework / assgn2 / assgn2-1.sh
... / ...
1cd /home/kremlin
2echo "Printing contents of home directory"
3ls -lah /home/kremlin
4echo "cd'ing to \"Desktop\" (although I'm using a tiled WM that doesn't support the XDG Desktop directory)"
5cd /home/kremlin/Desktop
7echo "Printing working directory"
9echo "Creating \"Backups\" directory"
10mkdir ~/Backups
11echo "Writing name/SUID into /tmp/hw2"
12# I thought you meant something about the SUID permissions bit at first :)
13echo -ne "Ian Sutton\n417517518" > /tmp/hw2
14echo "Copying it to \"Backups\" folder"
15cp /tmp/hw2 ~/hw2
16echo "Removing original"
17rm /tmp/hw2
18echo "Listing contents of \"Backups\" folder"
19ls ~/Backups
20echo "Deleting \"Backups\" folder"
21rm -rf ~/Backups