don't ping for preserved mobs
[esp.git] / gui /
1 /*
2 * Decompiled with CFR 0.151.
3 *
4 * Could not load the following classes:
5 * com.wurmonline.client.renderer.Matrix
6 * com.wurmonline.client.renderer.PickData
7 * com.wurmonline.client.renderer.backend.Primitive
8 * com.wurmonline.client.renderer.backend.Primitive$TexEnv
9 * com.wurmonline.client.renderer.backend.Primitive$Type
10 * com.wurmonline.client.renderer.backend.Queue
11 * com.wurmonline.client.renderer.backend.VertexBuffer
12 * com.wurmonline.client.renderer.backend.VertexBuffer$Usage
13 * com.wurmonline.client.renderer.gui.ConfirmListener
14 * com.wurmonline.client.renderer.gui.ConfirmWindow
15 * com.wurmonline.client.renderer.gui.FlexComponent
16 * com.wurmonline.client.renderer.gui.HeadsUpDisplay
17 */
18 package com.wurmonline.client.renderer.gui;
20 import com.wurmonline.client.renderer.Matrix;
21 import com.wurmonline.client.renderer.PickData;
22 import com.wurmonline.client.renderer.backend.Primitive;
23 import com.wurmonline.client.renderer.backend.Queue;
24 import com.wurmonline.client.renderer.backend.VertexBuffer;
25 import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
27 final class EspWCheckBox
28 extends FlexComponent
29 implements ConfirmListener {
30 private String label;
31 boolean checked = false;
32 boolean enabled = true;
33 private boolean needsConfirmOnTick = false;
34 private String confirmMessageOnTick;
35 private String confirmQuestionOnTick;
36 private boolean needsConfirmUnTick = false;
37 private String confirmMessageUnTick;
38 private String confirmQuestionUnTick;
39 private ConfirmWindow confirmWindow = null;
40 private String hoverString;
41 private float customR = 1.0f;
42 private float customG = 1.0f;
43 private float customB = 1.0f;
44 private static final VertexBuffer vbo = VertexBuffer.create((VertexBuffer.Usage)VertexBuffer.Usage.GUI, (int)12, (boolean)true, (boolean)false, (boolean)false, (boolean)false, (boolean)false, (int)0, (int)0, (boolean)false, (boolean)true);
45 private final Matrix modelMatrix;
46 private CheckBoxListener checkboxListener;
48 EspWCheckBox(String label, CheckBoxListener checkboxListener) {
49 super("Checkbox " + label);
50 this.height = this.text.getHeight() + 1;
51 this.setLabel(label);
52 this.modelMatrix = Matrix.createIdentity();
53 this.checkboxListener = checkboxListener;
54 }
56 public void setLabel(String newLabel) {
57 this.label = newLabel;
58 this.setSize(this.text.getWidth(this.label) + 16, this.height);
59 }
61 protected void renderComponent(Queue queue, float alpha) {
62 float colR = 0.8f;
63 float colG = 0.8f;
64 float colB = 0.8f;
65 if (this.enabled) {
66 colR = this.customR;
67 colG = this.customG;
68 colB = this.customB;
69 }
70 Primitive prim = queue.reservePrimitive();
71 prim.type = Primitive.Type.LINES;
72 prim.num = this.checked ? 6 : 4;
73 prim.r = colR;
74 prim.g = colG;
75 prim.b = colB;
76 prim.a = 1.0f;
77 prim.texture[1] = null;
78 prim.texture[0] = null;
79 prim.texenv[0] = Primitive.TexEnv.MODULATE;
80 prim.vertex = vbo;
81 prim.index = null;
82 prim.clipRect = HeadsUpDisplay.scissor.getCurrent();
83 int dy = (this.height - 8) / 2;
84 this.modelMatrix.setTranslation((float)this.x, (float)(this.y + dy), 0.0f);
85 queue.queue(prim, this.modelMatrix);
86 this.text.moveTo(this.x + this.height, this.y + this.text.getHeight());
87 this.text.paint(queue, this.label, colR, colG, colB, 1.0f);
88 }
90 protected void leftPressed(int xMouse, int yMouse, int clickCount) {
91 if (this.enabled && xMouse <= this.x + 16 && xMouse >= this.x && yMouse >= this.y && yMouse <= this.y + this.height) {
92 if (this.needsConfirmOnTick && !this.checked) {
93 this.confirmWindow = new ConfirmWindow((ConfirmListener)this, this.getConfirmMessageOnTick(), this.getConfirmQuestionOnTick());
94 } else if (this.needsConfirmUnTick && this.checked) {
95 this.confirmWindow = new ConfirmWindow((ConfirmListener)this, this.getConfirmMessageUnTick(), this.getConfirmQuestionUnTick());
96 } else {
97 this.checked = !this.checked;
98 }
99 this.checkboxListener.checkboxClicked(this);
100 }
101 }
103 protected int getMouseCursor(int x, int y) {
104 if (this.enabled && x <= this.x + 16 && x >= this.x && y >= this.y && y <= this.y + this.height) {
105 return 1;
106 }
107 return super.getMouseCursor(x, y);
108 }
110 public void pick(PickData pickData, int xMouse, int yMouse) {
111 if (this.hoverString != null) {
112 pickData.addText(this.hoverString);
113 }
114 }
116 void setCustomColor(float r, float g, float b) {
117 this.customR = r;
118 this.customG = g;
119 this.customB = b;
120 }
122 public void setHoverString(String description) {
123 this.hoverString = description;
124 }
126 final void setConfirmOnTickMessage(String message) {
127 this.confirmMessageOnTick = message;
128 }
130 final void setConfirmOnTickQuestion(String question) {
131 this.confirmQuestionOnTick = question;
132 this.needsConfirmOnTick = true;
133 }
135 final void setConfirm(String messageOnTick, String questionOnTick, String messageUnTick, String questionUnTick) {
136 this.confirmMessageOnTick = messageOnTick;
137 this.confirmQuestionOnTick = questionOnTick;
138 this.confirmMessageUnTick = messageUnTick;
139 this.confirmQuestionUnTick = questionUnTick;
140 this.needsConfirmOnTick = questionOnTick.length() > 0;
141 this.needsConfirmUnTick = questionUnTick.length() > 0;
142 }
144 public String getConfirmMessageOnTick() {
145 return this.confirmMessageOnTick;
146 }
148 public String getConfirmQuestionOnTick() {
149 return this.confirmQuestionOnTick;
150 }
152 public String getConfirmMessageUnTick() {
153 return this.confirmMessageUnTick;
154 }
156 public String getConfirmQuestionUnTick() {
157 return this.confirmQuestionUnTick;
158 }
160 public void closeConfirmWindow() {
161 if (this.confirmWindow != null) {
162 this.confirmWindow.close();
163 this.confirmWindow = null;
164 }
165 }
167 public void confirmed() {
168 this.closeConfirmWindow();
169 this.checked = !this.checked;
170 }
172 public void cancelled() {
173 this.closeConfirmWindow();
174 }
176 static {
177 FloatBuffer vertex = vbo.lock();
178 vertex.put(4.0f);
179 vertex.put(0.0f);
180 vertex.put(0.0f);
181 vertex.put(13.0f);
182 vertex.put(0.0f);
183 vertex.put(0.0f);
184 vertex.put(3.0f);
185 vertex.put(8.0f);
186 vertex.put(0.0f);
187 vertex.put(13.0f);
188 vertex.put(8.0f);
189 vertex.put(0.0f);
190 vertex.put(4.0f);
191 vertex.put(0.0f);
192 vertex.put(0.0f);
193 vertex.put(4.0f);
194 vertex.put(8.0f);
195 vertex.put(0.0f);
196 vertex.put(13.0f);
197 vertex.put(0.0f);
198 vertex.put(0.0f);
199 vertex.put(13.0f);
200 vertex.put(8.0f);
201 vertex.put(0.0f);
202 vertex.put(6.0f);
203 vertex.put(2.0f);
204 vertex.put(0.0f);
205 vertex.put(11.0f);
206 vertex.put(7.0f);
207 vertex.put(0.0f);
208 vertex.put(11.0f);
209 vertex.put(2.0f);
210 vertex.put(0.0f);
211 vertex.put(6.0f);
212 vertex.put(7.0f);
213 vertex.put(0.0f);
214 vbo.unlock();
215 }
216 }