# kremlin transpose *top secret kremlin color transposition device* transposes colors in web pages to match your ANSI terminal color theme. k_transpose starts a local http server (localhost/kt/) through which you browse the outside web in the form e.g. http://localhost/kt/google.com. both relative & explicit URLs/URIs are prepended to route through this local http server such that one can browse the web "normally" after specifying the transposition server once terminal colors are read from ~/.Xresources in the form 'URxvt\\\*color[0-16]:#RRGGBB' or '*color[0-16]:#RRGGBB'. *background: & *foreground: colors are used too, to determine light/dark theme context ##colorspace transposition TODO ### compilation/installation ``` make sudo make install ``` ### running ``` # you likely need root to bind httpds to a local port sudo k_transpose ```