org.freedesktop.timedate1 org.freedesktop.timedate1 org.freedesktop.timedate1 Methods SetTime (IN x usec_utc, IN b relative, IN b user_interaction); SetTimezone (IN s timezone, IN b user_interaction); SetLocalRTC (IN b local_rtc, IN b fix_system, IN b user_interaction); SetNTP (IN b use_ntp, IN b user_interaction); Properties Timezone readable s LocalRTC readable b NTP readable b Description Method Details The SetTime() method org.freedesktop.timedate1.SetTime() SetTime (IN x usec_utc, IN b relative, IN b user_interaction); IN x usec_utc: IN b relative: IN b user_interaction: The SetTimezone() method org.freedesktop.timedate1.SetTimezone() SetTimezone (IN s timezone, IN b user_interaction); IN s timezone: IN b user_interaction: The SetLocalRTC() method org.freedesktop.timedate1.SetLocalRTC() SetLocalRTC (IN b local_rtc, IN b fix_system, IN b user_interaction); IN b local_rtc: IN b fix_system: IN b user_interaction: The SetNTP() method org.freedesktop.timedate1.SetNTP() SetNTP (IN b use_ntp, IN b user_interaction); IN b use_ntp: IN b user_interaction: Property Details The "Timezone" property org.freedesktop.timedate1:Timezone Timezone readable s The "LocalRTC" property org.freedesktop.timedate1:LocalRTC LocalRTC readable b The "NTP" property org.freedesktop.timedate1:NTP NTP readable b