[dotfiles.git] / .vimrc
1 syntax on
2 filetype plugin on
4 set tags=/usr/src/sys/arch/armv7/tags
5 set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
7 set mouse=a
8 set incsearch
9 set shiftwidth=4
10 set tabstop=8
11 set backspace=2
12 set ruler
13 set smartcase
14 set showmatch
15 set nu
16 set nocp
17 set nowrap
18 set statusline+=%F\ %l\:%c
19 set laststatus=2
20 cmap w!! w !sudo tee > /dev/null %
22 map <C-]> :vsp <CR>:exec("tag ".expand("<cword>"))<CR>
24 function! GenSdmmcTags()
25 TlistAddFilesRecursive ~/code/sdmmc/src/sys/arch/armv7 *.[c,h]
26 TlistAddFilesRecursive ~/code/sdmmc/src/sys/dev *.[c,h]
27 TlistAddFilesRecursive ~/code/sdmmc/src/sys/scsi *.[c,h]
28 TlistAddFilesRecursive ~/code/sdmmc/src/sys/kern *.[c,h]
29 TlistAddFilesRecursive ~/code/sdmmc/src/sys/lib *.[c,h]
30 endfunction
32 function! SdmmcTags()
33 TlistSessionLoad /home/kremlin/sdmmc.tlist
34 endfunction
37 function! DoPrettyXML()
38 " save the filetype so we can restore it later
39 let l:origft = &ft
40 set ft=
41 " delete the xml header if it exists. This will
42 " permit us to surround the document with fake tags
43 " without creating invalid xml.
44 1s/<?xml .*?>//e
45 " insert fake tags around the entire document.
46 " This will permit us to pretty-format excerpts of
47 " XML that may contain multiple top-level elements.
48 0put ='<PrettyXML>'
49 $put ='</PrettyXML>'
50 silent %!xmllint --format -
51 " xmllint will insert an <?xml?> header. it's easy enough to delete
52 " if you don't want it.
53 " delete the fake tags
54 2d
55 $d
56 " restore the 'normal' indentation, which is one extra level
57 " too deep due to the extra tags we wrapped around the document.
58 silent %<
59 " back to home
60 1
61 " restore the filetype
62 exe "set ft=" . l:origft
63 endfunction
64 command! PrettyXML call DoPrettyXML()