updates, see README
[dotfiles.git] / README.md
1 dotfiles
2 ========
4 m'dotfiles
6 important
7 --------
8 you need (obviously) prepend some files with a period for them to work. i omitted this detail so they would show up properly on github.
10 i use these programs:
11 * xmonad
12 * xmobar
13 * xmodmap
14 * ~~xbindkeys~~
15 * urxvt/urxvtd/urxvtc
16 * ~~NetworkManager~~
17 * feh
18 * ~~nano~~
19 * vim
21 what's included
22 --------
23 * my xresources (terminal colors/schema/extensions)
24 * xmonad config
25 * xmobar config
26 * bash config/aliases/terminal prompts/etc
27 * "bespoke" gtk-2 theme i (sort of) made
28 * wallpapers that aren't mine
29 * vim config
31 avec l'amour toujours,
32 kremlin